The blog: open to others

It can start simply. A few images and a rough idea to kick things off in a space that encourages photographers to work on a particular project. Then to build on that with a few more images:

clouds, Waitpinga

Doing this allows the idea behind the project to evolve and become clearer over time. Once the project is formed up and there is a body of work the next step is publish the work in a gallery.

As mentioned at Thoughtfactory in this post introducing Light Paths one way to think of art photography is to follow Peter Osborne and make the shift to photography in art’, rather than ‘ photography as art’, on the grounds that the latter in no way exhausts the former. Photography plays an important role in contemporary art beyond what we may call photographic art, or what others might still want to call ‘art photography’ eg., as an element or component of a wide variety of different kinds of installation work.

So there is both a difference between a conception of photography as a pictorial medium and a conception of photography in art as the domain of the image in general, and a conflict between them. Light Paths embraces both understandings.